Get Category by ID

This route supports retreiving a category by an identifier.



Generic categories:

The result will be either a category or a group of other categories depending on kind.

  • category-0 means group of other categories with link to other categories as items
  • category-1 is a single category with viewables as items
Content specific categories

These are all single categories with viewables as items

  • category-featured
  • category-favourite-channels
  • category-most-popular
  • category-recommended
  • category-last-chance
  • category-genre-browse
  • category-bookmarks
  • category-continue-watching
  • category-curated-collections
  • category-movies-vod
  • category-saved-offline-content

Pagination of items

The result will contain a fixed number of items. If more items are

available they may be accessed using pagination. The response may contain a

attribute next which holds a URL to the next page in the result set.

To get the next page issue a GET request for the URL in the next


NOTE: The size parameter is to be seen as a suggestion to the backend on how many items to return in a single query

but can dermined to be too big. Therefore it's not safe to assume that it will be the actual size used which means that

any calculation of the offset on the callee side has the potential to be incorrect. The recommendation is to use the

url given in the next field at all times for further items.

Get Show Viewable by ID


Get show with selectedEpisode as first episode



Get show with selectedEpisode as "episodeId"

Get Viewable by ID


Get viewable

Gets any kind of viewable.

If kind is "show" a 301 redirect is made to /show/showId

If kind is "episode" a 301 redirect is made to /show/showId/episode/episodeId

Search viewables V1

This route supports retrieving metadata on the viewable format using a search querystring on the title, description and genres.


Pagination of items

The result will contain a fixed number of items. If more items are available they may be accessed using pagination. The response may contain a attribute next which holds a URL to the next page in the result set. To get the next page issue a GET request for the URL in the next attribute.

Autocomplete search viewables

This route is for autocomplete search on title, supporting all languages based on Accept-Language.


Pagination of items

The result will contain a fixed number of items. If more items are available they may be accessed using pagination. The response may contain a attribute next which holds a URL to the next page in the result set. To get the next page issue a GET request for the URL in the next attribute.

Query viewables by simple query logic

This route supports retrieving and querying the metadata on the originally ingested format. This means that no constraints are placed on the data ingested and then retrieved.


Pagination of items

The result will contain a fixed number of items. If more items are available they may be accessed using pagination. The response may contain a attribute next which holds a URL to the next page in the result set. To get the next page issue a GET request for the URL in the next attribute.

Query syntax

The query syntax supports a few operations.

Matching on a specific field:


This will retrieve all documents with id a1234. Different queries can be combined using OR and AND e.g.:

title:(simpsons OR seinfeld)

title:futurama OR id:12039

or more generally

(query1 OR query2) AND query3 ...

If you need to match a range, for instance for ratings you can use

rating_naughtiness:[2 TO 4]